الاثنين، 11 أبريل 2011

Named Arguments .NET 4.0 ( From MSDN)

Feature in .Net 4.0 (2010)
Named Arguments
Named arguments free you from the need to remember or to look up the order of parameters in the parameter lists of called methods. The parameter for each argument can be specified by parameter name. For example, a function that calculates body mass index (BMI) can be called in the standard way by sending arguments for weight and height by position, in the order defined by the function.
CalculateBMI(123, 64);
If you do not remember the order of the parameters but you do know their names, you can send the arguments in either order, weight first or height first.
CalculateBMI(weight: 123, height: 64);
CalculateBMI(height: 64, weight: 123);
Named arguments also improve the readability of your code by identifying what each argument represents.
A named argument can follow positional arguments, as shown here.
CalculateBMI(123, height: 64);
However, a positional argument cannot follow a named argument. The following statement causes a compiler error.
//CalculateBMI(weight: 123, 64);
class NamedExample
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // The method can be called in the normal way, by using positional arguments.
        Console.WriteLine(CalculateBMI(123, 64));

        // Named arguments can be supplied for the parameters in either order.
        Console.WriteLine(CalculateBMI(weight: 123, height: 64));
        Console.WriteLine(CalculateBMI(height: 64, weight: 123));

        // Positional arguments cannot follow named arguments.
        // The following statement causes a compiler error.
        //Console.WriteLine(CalculateBMI(weight: 123, 64));

        // Named arguments can follow positional arguments.
        Console.WriteLine(CalculateBMI(123, height: 64));

    static int CalculateBMI(int weight, int height)
        return (weight * 703) / (height * height);

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace OptionalNamespace
    class OptionalExample
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Instance anExample does not send an argument for the constructor's
            // optional parameter.
            ExampleClass anExample = new ExampleClass();
            anExample.ExampleMethod(1, "One", 1);
            anExample.ExampleMethod(2, "Two");

            // Instance anotherExample sends an argument for the constructor's
            // optional parameter.
            ExampleClass anotherExample = new ExampleClass("Provided name");
            anotherExample.ExampleMethod(1, "One", 1);
            anotherExample.ExampleMethod(2, "Two");

            // The following statements produce compiler errors.

            // An argument must be supplied for the first parameter, and it
            // must be an integer.
            //anExample.ExampleMethod("One", 1);

            // You cannot leave a gap in the provided arguments.
            //anExample.ExampleMethod(3, ,4);
            //anExample.ExampleMethod(3, 4);

            // You can use a named parameter to make the previous
            // statement work.
            anExample.ExampleMethod(3, optionalint: 4);

    class ExampleClass
        private string _name;

        // Because the parameter for the constructor, name, has a default
        // value assigned to it, it is optional.
        public ExampleClass(string name = "Default name")
            _name = name;

        // The first parameter, required, has no default value assigned
        // to it. Therefore, it is not optional. Both optionalstr and
        // optionalint have default values assigned to them. They are optional.
        public void ExampleMethod(int required, string optionalstr = "default string", int optionalint = 10)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}, {2}, and {3}.", _name, required, optionalstr,

    // The output from this example is the following:
    // Default name: 1, One, and 1.
    // Default name: 2, Two, and 10.
    // Default name: 3, default string, and 10.
    // Provided name: 1, One, and 1.
    // Provided name: 2, Two, and 10.
    // Provided name: 3, default string, and 10.
    // Default name: 3, default string, and 4.


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