الاثنين، 16 مايو 2011

WPF FlowDocuments Control

Flow Documents are typically defined using Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML), the XML-based standard markup language. XAML is particularly intuitive for Flow Documents, mainly because of the similarity to HTML. The following Flow Document sample creates a single paragraph of text with simple bold formatting applied to a few words:
<FlowDocument FontSize="14" FontFamily="Georgia">
      All about Resources in WPF
      This blogpost talks about what resources are in WPF.
      What this blog post doesn't talk about however, is databinding.

How to Save or Load a Flowdocument Embedded Images
There is a way to save and load a flow document including all embedded images by putting them into a xaml package.
The following sample shows how to do this 
// Save 
var source = new FlowDocument();
var range = new TextRange(source.ContentStart, source.ContentEnd);
using (var stream = File.Create("output.pak"))
    range.Save(stream, DataFormats.XamlPackage);
// Load
using(var stream = File.OpenRead("output.pak"))
    var target = new FlowDocument();
    var range = new TextRange(target.ContentStart, target.ContentEnd);
    range.Load(stream, DataFormats.XamlPackage);    

For more you can read

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